Tuesday, April 29, 2008


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You can be sure to find lots of stylish people where art and fashion collide. It's not different in Hyères. The unofficial streetstyle blogger's meetup resulted in many interessting Hyères-style pictures. Here you will find a small selection. Check out their blogs for more (find the links below)...

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emilie1 alli

When I asked Garance how the unofficial dresscode is going to be like before I left for Hyères she said Be extreeeeemely cool with one or two fashion details and you will be perfect. It's quite young fashion there, not at all like the fashion weeks. More independant, you see? I guess the lady knows what she is talking about...

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stella_julie_hyeres-thumb-600x441 karabian
JohnNollet-web HAweb

All pictures taken by Garance Doré, Géraldine Dormoy and Scott Schuman

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