Wednesday, April 26, 2006

::: Pregnancy Alert :::

Do I have to feel guilty for not having a baby yet? Maybe I'm the only one who sees pregnant women everywhere lately... but isn't it a fault not having a baby at the age of (nearly) 26 in a country where 2005 was the year with the lowest birthrate ever? The Germans start to die out. So every pregnant woman around sticks out like a sore thumb and gnaws at my conscience. Natalia is having her second baby at the age of 24 and I am still focussing in my studies, instead of starting a family. And I will continue doing so at least until the age of 30, that's the plan. Although ther're a lot ot nice little thing for mother-to-be's. Agent Provocateur launches a very nice maternity serie (via papierblog). I've even choosen my buggy, but - calm down - I don't have a name or toys yet - although the "Ugly dolls" are really cute. I hope I'll look like Natalie while I'm pregnant if not, I guess I'll have to rethink this pregnancy thing first.
By the way Britney is pregnant again! Although this is definitely NO reason to also do so! Not to mention all the other still pregnants (Brangelina, Rachel Weisz...) and newly moms (Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Holmes).
But that's enough for now, I'll go and walk my dog. At least one little creature I have to take care of...

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