Thursday, October 5, 2006


There're so many thing happening the last couple of weeks. I've been quite on the road (Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Berlin, to be continued...) and there's so much stuff to write about. I really don't know where to start. I even quit my trip to paris fashion week - YEAH - this must sound crazy to the really very fashion addicts!!! But since I didn't get a single invitation and would have been dependent on a friend (who gets pretty much invitations to a lot of interessting independent shows. She's also very smart to sneek into the bigger shows...) I chose to stay at home for a while and concentrate on the things to come. I'm planning my first absolutely independent and on my very own behalf curated exhibition and I'm working on a publication (which I'll write about when it's in the shops) and WHOA my final final final exam is still ahead but not that much ahead. I'll be a post-graduate soon there's still a lot to do e.g. writing my master thesis ;-)

So hang on.
I will.


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