Monday, October 23, 2006

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Turning the Tate into a Playground

"German artist Carsten Höller has taken slides — the kind found on playgrounds — and turned them into art. Höller's installation of architectural plastic and stainless steel tubes, titled Test Site, has taken up residence in the Tate Modern, lending a visceral thrill to the usually composed confines of the museum's Turbine Hall. The tallest slide measures 184 feet high, replete with a rollercoaster-worthy 88-foot drop. Explaining the appeal of his new work in an interview, Höller said, "There is no reason why [slides] should be for children only." One adult, fashion queen Miuccia Prada, clearly tired of taking the company elevator, recently commissioned a slide from Höller that will transport her from her Milan office to the street below...." (


Credit: Guardian, October 10 | Via:

Do muslims dislike Bellmer?

"A curator at a British art gallery alleges several works by surrealist Hans Bellmer, known for his life-size nude dolls of girls, were removed out of concern that they might upset Muslims [...]"

How far is this "muslim fear" going to bring us? Do we have to deny our western culture just because of the "maybe"? Will the non-muslim women have to wear headscarfs soon? What's next?

For more Bellmer pictures please visit my lj.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Please don't miss me...

Dear readers.
If I'm not here I might be there...

There's not much to read but a lot to see.
Sometimes I haven't got the time to post in both blogs.

So please check out fashion is a constant revolution..." regulary.

Kind regards.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006


And Tracey Emin just f****** rocks. I kind of hate-love her. And I guess she's as bitchy as she says she is!
Anyway. I love her Frieze styling. (Unknown?) sneakers and leoprint dress. That's something I would wear!!! But I hope that's not a backpack lying next to her!!!???

Frieze Art Fair 2006

The Frieze Art Fair London opened yesterday, another event I decided not to attend - don't ask me why (maybe the money???). Besides a lot of interesting - I hope so - art you'll find many interesting people there. Claudia Schiffer might be one of the better known guests - I wonder what she's buying there!? (And besides that: Sorry Claudia, your styling just failed - in my opinion! I never recognized your knock-knees... Last years Frieze styling was so cute!).
And there was Tracey Emin (UK Representant at the Venice Biennale 2007). Since this is an fashion AND art blog I'll comment on some of the exhibited art works (at least the ones photographed for paul getty, since I simply wasn't there.) in my Lifejournal.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Das Achte Feld

On my way back from Hamburg two weeks ago I had a quick stop at cologne and the chance to visit "Das Achte Feld" (="The Eight Square") the current exhibition at the Museum Ludwig, curated by Frank Wagner and Julia Friedrich (architecture by Eran Schaerf).

Since I'm always interessted in the exhibition itself, the cooperation between architecture and curatorial concept I regulary shoot a lot of photos to analyse them afterwards.
Here're some images (I'm sorry for the bad quality. I wasn't allowed to use a flash!).
See the video here (sorry, only in German!!!)

Enjoy and visit cologne, especially if you're interested in "Gender, Life and Desire in the Arts since 1960".

Credit: Catalogue Cover by Wolfang Tillmans.

Robin Rhode

While in Berlin last week I met Robin.
The southafrican born (*1976) was the youngest artist participating in last years Venice Biennale. His art is someting in between drawing and performance and if you haven't heard about him before you definitely will in future. There's his exhibition at the carlier | gebauer gallery, Berlin right now until 11/11/06.

View a flash animationof three of his works here

Thursday, October 5, 2006


There're so many thing happening the last couple of weeks. I've been quite on the road (Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Berlin, to be continued...) and there's so much stuff to write about. I really don't know where to start. I even quit my trip to paris fashion week - YEAH - this must sound crazy to the really very fashion addicts!!! But since I didn't get a single invitation and would have been dependent on a friend (who gets pretty much invitations to a lot of interessting independent shows. She's also very smart to sneek into the bigger shows...) I chose to stay at home for a while and concentrate on the things to come. I'm planning my first absolutely independent and on my very own behalf curated exhibition and I'm working on a publication (which I'll write about when it's in the shops) and WHOA my final final final exam is still ahead but not that much ahead. I'll be a post-graduate soon there's still a lot to do e.g. writing my master thesis ;-)

So hang on.
I will.
