Monday, May 29, 2006

Too tall for fashion?

We all love these tiny little dresses worn with hughe platform wedges, don't we? I definitely do and so I was very very lucky today buying a pair of 70's vintage cork wedges size 11 for onle 15 EUR - believe it or not! Now I wear them in my flat totally afraid of going outside - because wearing them I'm beyond the 6ft mark... Alright, I wouldn't bother if I was living in a city like Paris, Milan or New York (even Berlin), but not in this crappy little unfashionable town where ugly old men stop their car next to you pulling their window down, just because you're not fat and ugly and wearing a miniskirt (YES, THAT HAPPEND ONCE!!!).

Alright then. So what do you think? Is it alright to wear 4inch Platform Wedges if you already are 6ft tall? Feel free to post a comment...

Credit: Vogue Italia Maggio 2006

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Francesca Woodman (1958-1981)

House #3, Providence, Rhode Island, 1975-78, silver gelatin print
Credit: Short Guide Berlin Biennale


Friday, May 26, 2006

The perfect "boyfriend" cardigan

Susie Bubble posted the perfect "boyfriend" cardigan in her blog a couple of days ago. Today's mail brought June's German InStyle showing in their section Männersache (="men's business", oh yes they have a section where they tell us how a neat (future) boyfriend should be dressed) Cardigans but this time for the boys and not for their girlfriends ;-) I really like Derek Blasberg's styling - orange or blue in jeans combined with a shirt and scarf ♥ My boyfriends reaction was "Schwul" (=Faggot) - I guess I'll have to work on that!

Credit: German InStyle Juni 2006

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Why is Germany so far behind???

I've just returned from the cinema (watching The Da Vinci Code Uuuuhhrghh). There I had to realise that The Devil wears Prada will start in Germany this AUTUMN! THIS AUTUMN!!!! What the hell does that mean? Why do I have to wait nearly half a year longer than all the other fashion victims have to??? Absolutely inacceptable! Is there anyone who can send me the DVD when it's out? Guess it's kind of ridiculous to fly to the US just to watch a movie? I'll definitely have to see it in England where it'll hopefully start June 30th!

Not tonight Darling...

I instantly fell in love with this photography of Daiane Conterato taken by Steven Meisel in this months Vogue Italia. It's part of an editorial called "No esta noche, darling" which means "not tonight, darling" and is perfectly well expressed on the faces of all the participating models. There's a flashy animated version of the whole ed. on and you'll find simple scans out of the magazine here

Credit Vogue Italia Maggio 2006
Via Fashionologie

Nature vs Future

Unfortunately my Italian isn't that good, so for me it's very exhausting (having to look up every third word) to read the Italien Vogue. That's why I'm always happy to see a web adress so I can use the internet for additional information. Today I read about a young New York fashion label called Nature vs. Future launched in spring 2002 by Brooklyn born Nina Valenti 6 years after graduating Parsons & designing streetwear. Since I'm more the sporty meets chique type I love this exact mixture in her designs.

"Nina’s designs are a self-generated product of imagination blended with her passions from architecture, furniture, Egyptian art, Radiohead’s music & album covers to De Kooning’s energy on canvas. Valenti’s inspiration is drawn from all that stimulates the senses. Working with the body as the palette, balance, line quality, rhythm & movement are the elements Valenti incorporates into each piece." (Source:Nature vs. Future)

Her designs are available online at Mighty Flirt (highly recommended!) she also sells selected items on her website.

Credit all @ Nature vs Future

Stick 'em up

On my way through the Auguststraße (Berlin Biennale) there were more things than just the officially exhibited art that caught my eye. Sticker art is far from beeing a new trend, even Heidelberg which often is very late with trends is plastered with stickers. A fellow student of mine startet a project called Stick up New York two years ago concentrating on the New York sticker scene. You'll find tons of stickers on his website. Also Flickr is a very good source, search for photos tagged "sticker" or "stickerart". For more stickers please check out friends (besides that a very interessting website, which I'll feature in a later blog...). Stickers are a safe and polite way of conquering the public space. You can finish your art work relaxed at home and just need to stick it quick on your favoured wall outside "by accident". And - on the other side - they can be removed quite easy, at least easier than a "traditional" graffity work.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Leipzig Baumwollspinnerei

Some of you might already know that I've been on a littlte road trip (Halle, Leipzig, Dessau, Berlin) the last couple of days. On my way back from Berlin I stopped at Leipzig to see the famous Baumwollspinnerei - cotton spinning mill - where many known artist have their working spaces and young fresh galleries try to sell their stuff. More photos here

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mark Abrahams ::: German Vogue June 06

I really like Mark Abrahams editorial in June 06's German Vogue. Some of my favourite designers like Yohji Yamamoto, Comme des Garcons and Junya Watanabe are featured in it. Yeah, it seems like I'm the rough kind of girl, falling for camouflage prints, uniform styles and military looks. That's the other side of this springs romantic little dresses (which aren't that bad either!). See the whole editorial here


Vogue Germany Juni 2006

Germany's June Vogue has Natasha Poly wearing a dress by Escada on its cover photographed by Mark Abrahams. Actually I'm not very excited by that cover. It's a bit lame and as boring as last months cover showing the pregnant Natalia Vodianova. Inside we have quite fair fashion editorials by Enrique Badulescu, Indlekofer + Knoepfel, Keiron O'Connor (showing the surfer-family Reece-Hamilton in Beachwear) and one editorial I really liked photographed by Mark Abrahams which I'll discuss in an extra blog...


Sunday, May 7, 2006

PORTIKUS ::: New Venue Part II

I've been to the New Venue Party of the Portikus Frankfurt stylish arty people met the curators, "private" collectors, gallerists, po on Friday 5th. As usual it has been a society event since all theliticians and representatives of mayor german (european?) art collections.
The new building was made by the Frankfurt based architect Christoph Mäckler, who did a good job. Read everything about it on the Protikus' website or on (unfortunately only in German!).

See more photos here

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

PORTIKUS ::: New Venue

PORTIKUS New Venue: opening May 5th 2006, 8 p.m.
Portikus in Frankfurt am Main, the Kunsthalle of the city's Art Academy the Städelschule, is moving into a new space. After leaving its original address behind the façade of the destroyed city library in 2003, the Portikus has staged more than twenty shows in an architectural structure designed by Tobias Rehberger, professor of sculpture at the Städelschule. Now the time has come for the institution's third phase: On May 5, Slovenian artist Marjetica Potrc and Frankfurt-based Argentinean artist Tomas Saraceno will inaugurate the new venue with the show Personal States / Infinite Actives. Both artists have an architectural background and will display new works articulated in the realm between sculpture and architecture.

Olafur Eliasson's light lab, located in the building's large glass roof and visible only from the outside, is already in operation. Eliasson's project will develop over two years and continuously change the appearance of the building.

Designed by Frankfurt architect Christoph Mäckler, the new building is located on a small island in the river Main at the very heart of the city. Portikus is an institution that emphasizes on experimentation and production. Most likely the unusual site and the exhibition space will trigger unexpected projects by the invited artists.

Alte Brücke 2 / Maininsel
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Director: Daniel Birnbaum
Curator: Nikola Dietrich

Source: e-flux

Artforum May 2006

Artforum's May edition is out now. On cover is an artpiece by Glenn Ligon, called Warm Broad Glow, 2005, neon and paint. The installation is on view at the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston.

The content is quite heavy - as usual. Of particular importance are the biennale reviews (Berlin and Whitney). I'll be in Berlin from the 19th on to see the biennale at last (look forward to my personal photos, which will be posted here).