Sunday, December 17, 2006

New Art

Today I felt "generous" and bought some art...
Three little drawings (two of them shown above) by the munich (?) based artist Thorsten Knebel. He isn't really famous, but I liked these and for the price of 2,50 EUR each buying them didn't feel wrong at all.

I love the idea of putting all my drawings together on a wall as shown on the image at the left hand side.

Credit: kunstforum heidelberg

Maxence Cyrin

Are you still searching some christmas presents? This might be the perfect gift for an electric music fan who's longing for some quiet moments. Maxence Cyrin's new album Modern Rhapsodies.
The french pianist and DJ Maxence Cyrin interprets some electric music classics in an unheard way.

Here you can listen so some of his tracks. And you might also like to visit his myspace

I highly recommend his CD. I constantly listen to it.


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Please watch my back...


New Dress

I instantly fell in love with that look the moment I saw it on THE SARTORIALIST.
Yesterday I was so lucky to find the dress at H&M (Trend) and on Sale!!! Unfortunately no dress in my size left. So I went for the smallest size left (US8) which is a bit too large, since the dress turned out to be quite huge. I liked that in the dressing room but back at home I realised that it doesn't look exactly the way it should... ;-(
Anyway. I'm going to keep it. The last time I wore a similar dress my mother asked me if I was pregnant ;-)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Lack, Leder und Latex

Susie Bubble posted some of her personal rubber experiences lately. Not only since then I'm fascinated by latex. Today I've ordered my very own black fetish leggin at an online sexshop called rubberfashion and will definitely share my experiences with you. I'm really excited!

It so happend that Italy's December Vogue published an "rubber editorial" shot by Steven Meisel starring Karen Olsen. To be viewed on foto_decadent. It shows the contrast of the materials I'll try to achive with my rubber pants perfectly well...

Credit: Thanks to a_valleyofdolls for sharing ♥


December 2006 / Issue No. 64
in cooperation with Diedrich Diederichsen texte zur kunst

out now / featuring an English section of the main contributions


What does art want from porn? – between affects and abstractions / The effects of the index – unwritten histories of indie porn and indie pop / “Why not fuck different?” – the performative counter-strategies of Post Porn Politics / Alternative Porn – sexual aesthetics beyond obscenity? / Exploitation, again – porn, labor, internet / Why Porn now? – a survey on pornography

Reviews from Basel, Berlin, Bristol, Chicago, New York, Munich, Kassel, Dublin, Paris, Cologne, Columbus/Ohio, Munich, Los Angeles, London and Vienna

Exclusive new artists’ editions:
Thomas Hirschhorn, Mark Leckey, Michaela Meise


Credit: texte zur kunst